Guesthouse Aismarės

Tilžės g. 9
Klaipėdos m. sav.
No. of beds: 16


Guesthouse “Aismares”, located in the centre of Klaipeda town, in a real oasis of tranquility, invites You to spend a good time.

Here You will find a proper space for conferences, trainings, presentations and parties. Professional staff will make sure, that you would lack nothing and Your impressions would be as pleasant as possible and would last for a long time.

In the nearby coffee bar “Vilius Karalius” surrounded by atmosphere of the beginning of twentieth century You can spend a great time with good company and enjoy miraculous foods and drinks.

After a hard working day You can relax in a complex of three bathhouses, to enjoy dropping stream of water in the pool or just savour warmth of flaming fire in the hearth.

Our purpose – Your good time!

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