Kaimo Turizmo Sodyba Dvarelis

Kilovos k., Čekiškės sen., LT-54277 Kauno r.
Kauno r. sav.
No. of beds: 30


Having passed only 30 km from Kaunas aside Klaipeda up to placeCinkiskes and 15 km up to a distant corner of the Kaunas district -Chekishkes - and village Kilova adjoining to it, You'll be surprised ofbeauty of green valleys of the river Dubysa, silence and calmness.

From only a couple Farmsteads left one is at Your order. The avenueleading to the farmstead will return You in days of the barefootchildhood and a slow, careless stream of time. The rustle of leaves ofseventy year? old trees of avenue will cover all your cares withdrowsiness.

The Farmstead covers down the 0.7 ha territory. On a distance ofseveral hundreds meters the river Dubysa sung by the famous Lithuanianpoet Maironis flows. Dubysa valleys are full of herbs, and neighbouringwoods are full of mushrooms and berries.

The main hit of farmstead is a bath. Bath procedures for a long timeare used for clearing blocked internal potential of any person. It isneedless to speak about magic effect of the Japanese a tub which willbe felt still long after procedure.

Welcome to our farmstead, local residents named "Kruchkauskyne".

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